I, Margaret Hope Williams, was born
September 13, 1855 in Cedar City, Iron Co., Utah. My father's names was William
Williams and he was born December 7, 1826 in Cardiff, South Wales. He died
August 22, 1902 at Hyrum, Cache, Utah. My mother was Margaret Pettigreen Hope.
She was born January 19, 1833 in Bristol, England. She was the only one of her
family who joined the church. She died February 17, 1897 at Hyrum, Utah. My
parents were married in England on February 7, 1852 and two weeks later started
for America. They were eight weeks on the sea crossing in a sailing vessel.
They crossed the plains in the Shirtliff company. While crossing the plains the
Indians wanted to buy mother. They drove 23 head of horses in and wanted to
trade for her. She had to hide in the wagon for days. Father gave them flour
and other things and sent them away and told them not to come again. They went
to Cedar City and lived in Goshen, Iron County for awhile. When the honey dew
would fall on the trees the people would take pans and buckets and wash the
leaves and boil it down, working all day for a pint of sweetening.
My father and Uncle Tom froze their
feet crossing the mountains while moving to Hyrum. Father moved to Cache Valley
in April 1860. In August Mother became the mother of the first child born at
Hyrum, Utah. That was my sister, Nettie. Mother had nine children born to her, three
boys and six girls. Father worked hard in iron works a good many years. He
drove draft horses on a farm until he got married. He loved to plow a straight
furrow and make a nice hay and wheat stack.
Father was choir leader for a good
many years. The choir used to go to other towns and serenade, and those who had
small children would bring them for me to take care of. Sometimes it would be
morning when they got home, and I would sit up and wait for them. They had a
good time.
Father had
to carry a gun when he went to the fields to plow, as did the other men,
because of the fear of Indians. The Indians would come dressed up and painted,
two or three hundred of them, and dance in people's door yards and would go
from one house to another until the people would give them a beef, flour, or
When the
crickets came Father would plow a ditch and we would set fire to it and burn
them. The grasshoppers would come so thick they would darken the sun, strip all
vegetation from every leaf and eat the bark on young trees.
Uncle Tom,
Father's younger brother, came to America and they always stayed and worked
together. Father would run the cradle and Uncle Tom would do the binding. I
would have to go and pack an armful of grass for them to bind the bundles. We
did not have shoes, so Mother would sew rags on my feet. But the rags would
wear out and there were times that I left blood on the stubble from my feet.
I planted the corn and potatoes, and
when we raised sugar cane for molasses, I would help strip the leaves from the
stalks. Oh, how I did hate that! When it was our turn we would have to carry
the cane to the mill and haul the squeezings away. When it came our turn to
have our molasses made we would get some skimmings and have a candy pull and
have lots of fun.
The people of Hyrum built a fort.
There were two old men who were left to guard the women and children while the
men made canals.
Old Chief Washaki was a good friend
of my father. The Indians gathered a lot of seeds in the summer and Father gave
him one end of his grainery to put them in. He had three wives. He would bring
us berries and sego which we loved. He would come in winter and get what they
needed at different times.
Father had a flock of sheep and as I
was the oldest of the family I had to help feed them and tend them and tend
them. When it was time to shear, a woman did the shearing. I had to catch them
and help hold them while it was done. I would wash the wool and we would pick
it and send it to the carding mill and get rolls made. I did all the spinning
for blankets, undershirts and dresses for the family. Father's suit of clothes
and one dress for each of us had to last until the next year. I would stand and
spin day in and day out
would go up on the bench to gather flowers to color the yarn differently. Peach leaves made green and Ghamer
Lye made blue. We would wring it out every morning until it was the right
shade. Then I would go and tend baby and do some pooling to get the weaving
done. Then we had a home made dress for
another year. We had to be very careful with them.
We had to double and twist the yarn to make our stockings. We had to knit our
own and the help for the family.
was married to William Benona Graham on January 18, 1874 at Millville, Utah.
The next October 23, 1874 we went to the Endowment House in Salt Lake City and
were sealed. We went to Bennington, Bear Lake that summer. I took charge of the
singing for quite a few years. The Relief Society has a large picture with
the names of the women holding offices. I was listed as the Chorister for the
Society of the Bennington ward for a number of years.
In 1900 in April we started for the Big Horn.
I was very poorly. Apostle Owen Woodruff was like one of our boys. He lived
with us at Hams Fork. When we were crossing Green River, Charl, our nine‑year
old boy, near ly was drowned. He and the
horse he was riding went down stream but he got out and that summer he carried
the mail 12 miles there and 12 miles back from Lovell to the camp on
horseback. When the Cowley Ward was
organized they put me in as President of the Relief Society. I have been a
teacher in the different wards I have lived in. I had a good accordian and we
would go to private homes and play for dances. We would take turns playing. We
sure had good times.
was the mother of ten children, six boys and four girls.
Photo on the left: WILLIAM
Front Row: Margaret Hope, Williams Williams , Margaret
Pettigreen Hope
Second Row: Nettie, William Jr., Jane, Tom, Lottie
Photo on the right: Margaret Hope Williams Graham in front of
home in LaGrande, Oregon, 1908 with son Fay and two granddaughters.

The life story of William Benona
Graham is included within the context of the Graham Family group which follows.
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