Welcome Chapman was born 24 July 1805 in Reeds
Brough, Bennington, Vermont. He had
three wives who bore large families. (1)
Katherine Ann Stainer, (2) Amelia Risley, (3) Ann Mackey. To others, Ann Tuttel and Elizabeth Ann Bell,
he married the same day but they left him.
When welcome Chapman heard of the gospel he went to hundred miles on
horseback to New York to see the prophet Joseph Smith. He stayed for two weeks and worked with him
while the prophet taught him the gospel.
He was converted and returned home to his wife enjoying the Church. Later he returned to his people and converted
them but none of them left their homes to join the Saints. Welcome rejoined the Saints and for a time he
was bodyguard to the prophet. After
arriving in the Rockie Mountains he was called to Man type to be the second
president of the Stake. He was ordained
a High Priest 30 April 1851 and set apart to be Stake Present 15 October
1854. James Rickey was one of his
When the Salt Lake Temple was started he was called
to cut stone for it. He and his oldest
son, Joseph, cut steadily. Hyrum and
Welcome, Jr. helped at times. When the
temple was up to the square he went back to man tie. He remained in man tie for 10 years then
returned to Salt Lake to help finish the inside of the temple. He even helped hang the drapes. He was a cooper (maker of barrels) by
trade. He and his family were in the
first large company which Brigham Young went back to get and arrived in the
valley in the Spring of 1848.
Susan Amelia Risley Chapman told of her people
living on the frontier when the country was so new the bears stole their pigs
from the pens. When she crossed the
plains she had one cow which she coaxed along with an ear of corn. She would hold the ear of corn out the back
of the wagon. Her people were very
staunch in their religious beliefs. Some
of them were burned at the stake because they would not deny their
convictions. One time she moved her
goods out of her house and sat by them while the mob burned the house.
Before we tell what we know about
Fedilia Chapman and her Richard Babbitt, what follows is what is available on
FSFT for other children of Welcome and Sibel, Welcome’s siblings.
Some of Welcome and Susan’s children
with at least photos on FSFT include:
Anise Chapman Kempton

Hyrum Chapman

Hyrum Chapman Life Sketch
Hyrum Chapman Life Sketch
Hyrum Chapman was the third son and sixth child of Welcome
Chapman and Susan Amelia Risley. Hyrum was born in Nauvoo, Illinois, October 3,
His father, Welcome Chapman, was born July 24, 1805 and was
living in the State of Vermont when news went far and wide of advent of the
Gospel and the new Prophet. Welcome on hearing this strange story went on horse
back to hunt the Prophet and learn the facts about the story.
On finding the Prophet in western New York, he stayed with him
two weeks, listening to his wonderful story of the New Gospel. He was converted
and baptized into the Church and returned for his wife and family which
consisted of two children. They immediately made plans to leave there own home
and cast their lot with the members of the Church. With his wife and two
children and household equipment they traveled by team to New York, where the
Church headquarters were at that time.
He remained with the church during their trials and persecutions, being a member of the Prophet's Body Guard throughout his life.
He remained with the church during their trials and persecutions, being a member of the Prophet's Body Guard throughout his life.
Hyrum, at this time was a mere child, but he distinctly
remembered having seen the Prophet Joseph Smith as he made his last ride at the
head of the Nauvoo Legion, and frequently spoke of it.
Welcome Chapman came to Utah in the fall of 1848, in the company
of Heber C Kimball. He became the second President of Sampete County,
succeeding Isaac Morley, which position he occupied for seven or eight years,
after which he returned to Salt Lake to work in the Temple which he followed
continually until the building was up to the Square. He then returned to Manti
for a few years, assisting with the inside work on the Temple until it was completed
and dedicated.
He died and was buried in Manti, Utah, by the side of his wife,
Susan A. Chapman.
Hyrum Chapman, third son of Welcome Chapman and Susan Immigrated
to Salt Lake Valley with his parents. He married Fullmer in the 29th year of
his life, and to this union was daughters and five sons. Four sons and two of
the daughters living.
As a young man he learned the stone cutter's trade and worked on
the Salt Lake Temple several years, and followed that trade most of his life.
The table, caps, and sille in the St. Johns' Stake Academy building are a part
of his work. He migrated from Salt Lake into St. Johns, Arizona in 1884, where
he lived for eleven years, moving from there with his family in the fall of
1895, to Bluewater, New Mexico, being one of the first Latter Day Saints
Families who settled in that Valley which was his home until the time of his
From his marriage were born 47 Grand-children, and at the time
of his death there were 10 Great-Grand-Children.
He was a veteran of the Black Hawk and Walker Indian Wars and
drew a pension from the Government for that service.
The last few years of his life he spent at the Old Soldier's
Home in Los Angeles, California. Just the winter months were spent in
California. And the summer months were spent in Utah with his children. He also
spent some of his time working in the Salt Lake Temple.
At the time of his death he was visiting his children in New
Mexico. Died from a Stroke. He died January 22, 1928 in Bluewater, New Mexico
and was buried by the side of his wife Rhoda Ann Fullmer.
Welcome Chapman, Jr.

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